Tag Archives: Musings

Someone to laugh with

Have just been watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory, The Dumpling Paradox. At the end of the end credits of each episode there is a single frame entitled Chuck Lorre Productions, #193.  This is always a musing of the producer Chuck Lorre.

This particular episodes musing struck a cord with me as it talks about the kind of person whom I’ve been looking for and what I’m not looking for.  In the case described it suggests putting on a episode of Two and Half Men.  If they laugh you’re in good company so hug them.  If they don’t laugh, put on the DVD, go out and find someone else.

The fall of the high street music shop

I can remember in the early 90’s going with a friend to Boots when they still sold vinyl.  All right now was the single I thought he bought.  It was a novelty for me as I’d never been into a record shop to buying anything at all before that point.

For a long time there was a chain of independent record shops in Kent, called Richards Records, who had a branch.  Along with Plastic Surgery and Plastic Surgery 2  there were alternatives to the likes of Our Price and Woolworths.  Nick Hornby makes reference in his non fiction book 30 Songs about the closure of an independent record shop near to the fictional Victory Vinyl.  Was it a victim of the internet age.

I can remember the first two albums I bought were The Best of the Kinks and Abba Gold both on cassette from W H Smiths in Maidstone with my single purchase being Stay by Lisa Loeb that I bought from one of the Maidstone Our Price outlets back in 1994.  Along with that there were all the tv commercials encouraging us to get down and buy our music from Our Price.

MVC has been another casualty in the high street wars, never a real bargain before it was subsummed into Music Zone who in turn were gobbled up in turn by Fopp who went pop by expanding too much.

I remember first coming across Essentials at Greenwich market and having a good mouch arounds it’s wares whilst at uni.  After I moved to Southampton I was pleased to see one appear to sate my growing need for music.  The Southampton branch of Essentials was the first shop where I walked in heard something that I liked that was playing and asked at the counter what it was.  A minute later and five quid lighter I’d just purchased Endtroducing….. DJ Shadow.

Unfortunately Essentials in Southampton disappeared with the arrival of Fopp in 2005.  A bigger selection, better prices and Essentials with its diet of imported cds couldn’t hold out.  Essentials had the far better logo though.

On one of my recent trips to London I thought I would pop into Steve Sounds up in Soho just off the Charing Cross Road.  Unfortunately its disappeared.  Possible a victim of redevelopment like Just Games was.  I was consoled by being able to find Cheapo, Cheapo Records which is a little gem of a shop full of odds and ends, music, videos, DVD’s, audio books where I’ve found stuff that I hadn’t thought of.

In more recent months both Woolworths and Zaavi formerly known as Virgin Mega Stores have disappeared.  In the months before it disappeared it appeared that Zaavi were trying to play catch up with HMV reorganising their lay out putting the DVD’s downstairs by the door and the music upstairs.  Too late, the internet behemoth arrived several years ago.  Now even Fopp is but just an extension of HMV, Zaavi is but an online brand name.

Not even the Silverscreen chain of specialist DVD shops could make a go of things.  Perhaps they were in too expensive sites or couldn’t get the stock but they didn’t last very long.

With respect to the second hand record shop there’s been a lot in the news about vinyl shops disappearing but in the last few months CEX appear to be expanding the shops from my knowledge at least Southampton and Maidstone and are now stocking them with second hand music.  Next time I’m in London I will have to see if the whole chain of shops that buy and sell a variety of goods from books, retro clothing, vinyl, cds, films in Notting Hill Gate are still there or whether ebay has put the final nail in their coffin.

Will 2009 see any new high street record shops appear.  HMV is reportedly doing better as a result of it’s competition disappear?  Will just have to wait and see.

Turning 30

Today I’m only a day older than yesterday but it’s my thirtieth birthday.

A quote I noticed on a card in Paperchase a while back felt very apt for today.

Inside every thirty year old is an eighteen year old asking

“what appened”

Ann Landers

When I was 18 and sharing a house in Milton Gardens in Epsom with James, Graham and Ian.  James went one evening to a friends 30’s birthday.  That friend of his must be 42 by now.  At the time the being 30 seemed a million miles off and now I’m there.

Further Thoughts On Tokyo

Well I’ve had my first full day in Tokyo and have now had a chance to do some more observing.

The number of bicycles out here has suprised. It’s not on par with Amsterdam but their certainly do seem to be bicycles everywhere that look Dutch style with the locks, internal gear changes, baskets, mudguards and panier racks. The fact that Tokyo appears to be very flat is certainly a help with all the peddaling. [thumb:1734:r][newline]

The streets out here a wide but not full of cars like i would expect in London, Hong Kong, Singapore or or any other city. I can’t imagine coming across a traffic jam here at all. Traffic seems to be very well behaved too. The underground and train system here also appers to be sized just right with very few people standing. Admittedly I’ve not been travelling in rush hour so I don’t know what it would be like at peak times. The number of grab handles in the carriages does suggest at times that they expect lots of people. Apparently the Shinjunku station out of the window handles 2 million commuters a day out of 60 exits. I can imagine at rush hour it will look like ants streaming from a nest if viewed from above.

Tokyo also appears to be very clean and tidy like Singapore but not sterile like it with people with crazy hair and clothes wandering around in reasonable numbers.

I have been suprised to find that Tokyo is not a high rise city like Hong Kong or Singapore which is something I very much expected. Perhaps its to do with the danger of earthquakes. The area I’m staying in Shinjunku is perhaps an expception with the area of substantial bed rock here. Out of the window of the apartment I’m staying in there is a substantial cluster of skyscrapers, with one like the Gerkin under construction. [thumb:1719:l][newline]

There are certainly lots of places too eat but unlike Hong Kong there seems to be a lack of electronics shops or even compared to England the vast number of shops trying to sell mobile phones. I’m very suprised at that given the supposed love of the Japanese for their gadgets. Perhaps they may be all hidden away as it appears retail space is not just confined to lower levels of buildings. Shops appear to trade from the non-ground floors of buildings which aren’t malls with only signs in windows giving their presence away.

Overall my impression of Tokyo of the moment is that it appears to be vast and sprawlly as opposed to Singapore and Hong Kong where everything is concentrated up.

Being noticed

Sometimes it feels that I’m in this no man’s land where there are two opposing pools.  One of those I would love to go out with and share the world with and on the other hand the obtainable.  Finding someone who’s in both camps is depressingly.  Should I lower my aspirations and go for the obtainable rather than for what I aspire?

When someone doesn’t notice you it can be hard especially, when you hear that they’re out looking for someone.  Why don’t they notice me?  Do I need to wear a t-shirt saying Choose Me! or take to camping outside their house with a sandwich board boasting I’m the man you’re looking for, let me rescue you just to be even considered?  Just because I am already considered a friend does this put me out of the running to begin with?  Then there is the fate where the go out with someone who you think why them not me?  Why go out with that total jerk just like the previous jerk that you went out with and then she disappears out of your life and leaves you with.

I hope you understand but I want to spend more time with xxxx

Next step is that she marries him and the good times that you had are a fading memory.  The reason given for going for me was that she didn’t feel that she was good enough.  If that’s the case I’m pretty stuck if someone who I spent many hours doing stuff with feels that way does that cut out everyone else.

With my uni friend Andy he knew his girlfriend Helen for year before they both asked each other out so I know it doesn’t have to be the case.  Why can’t something similar happen to me?

Is it the distance because I’m jumping around the country from one week to the next?  I’m only doing this because it seems that no one actually asks me to be anywhere.  If I just languish in Kent I’ll only end up spending the weekend sitting around.  Better in my view to get out there and see and do stuff rather than to disappear.  What are all the right moves?

Sometimes this quote from Hamlet springs to mind

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end

It has always been the case been for me that despite the pain and the anguish, I have always believed that there will be a better tomorrow.

Rhys Ifans

Listening to Power FM, on the way up from Southampton yesterday morning, the topic of Notting Hill and Rhys Ifan opening the door in his underwear.  For me the image that sticks in my mind is the in Love, Honour and Obey when as Matthew he’s in fancy dress as a giant teddy bear carrying a pistol just before he gets his revenge on Jonny Lee Miller’s character Jonny for all the trouble he’s caused before being knocked off himself.

Getting ones life back

With any luck the turnaround at work that I was involved with will all be over by tomorrow morning. Will just have to wait and see when I turn up to work.

Now that I can get my life back I better press on with my things to do list

  • Complete OU work
  • Get IChemE chartership report submitted
  • Get Phil a birthday present
  • Play with new camera filters
  • Find some victims for my PS2 dance game – shame Abbi’s party is when I’m Southampton
  • Send my sister’s camera off
  • Get out on my bike and ride