Category Archives: Essex Life

Is there life in Essex?

Well, I’ve been working at Coryton for two months now and apart from the people at work and one trip out to a curry house I haven’t seen life in Essex yet. Is there anything more than bombing up and down the A13, Lakeside and the Dartford Crossing. Perhaps now I’ll have time to find the answer.

House Hunting

I’ve had quite a strange day hunting for somewhere to live in Essex. In total I’ve seen four places. Strangely I’m more drawn to the first property that I saw which is a 1970’s semi detached two bedroom house. Walking into it with the estate agent the couple who own it were busily repainting it.

The second property, a recently well refurbished bungalow currently empty, had the complete feel that it was a blank canvas that I could stamp my own mark on if I wished to. Two sheds mind you though.

Looking round the third property, which is lived in at the moment by two Spanish Girls, I had the feeling that I was intruding on their lives catching a brief snatch of who they are and the life they live. However I am very unlikely to be ever able to compare the impression that I have created in my head with the head what who the two girls who live there actually are.